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Dec 2, 2016

Seeing science, technology up close

Sometimes, things turn out better than you expect. Dr. Nate Beres recently accompanied 10 natural science students to Tennessee, 其中最精彩的是一日游,并与著名的橡树岭国家实验室的科学家互动. 生物化学专业的大四学生Dani Blum对她在橡树学院目睹的前沿研究印象深刻
Nov 22, 2016

Show and Tell. Heidelberg’s first Humanities Symposium

Research is a critical component of a college education. 学生可以通过进行研究来学习和磨练各种专业技能, analyzing information, and presenting their findings. This year, the departments of English, History, 和宗教共同发起了首届人文学术研讨会来庆祝和
Nov 15, 2016

HYPE’s Pam Oliver: ‘Keep your eye on the prize’

As an elite sports journalist, 美国国家橄榄球联盟和NBA记者帕姆·奥利弗从来没有被上电视的想法所吸引. Instead, her career journey has been about being the best journalist she can be, about pursuing your goals despite adversity, about believing in your own abilities and about taking advantage of opportunities. And about working
Nov 10, 2016

Students: Sexual assault awareness ‘is on us’

上周,澳门银河网站六名学生领袖被提名参加全州范围的峰会,以提高对校园性侵犯的认识和预防,他们并没有让对话就此结束. Erica Dame, Julie Hild, Gaby Poliseno, Colin Higgins, Margaret Bowers and Bethany Beaver, accompanied by John Sharp, director of counseling and disabilities
Oct 27, 2016

Transforming the lives of at-risk kids

When children and youth are struggling, sometimes it’s a matter of their life circumstances, and all they need is recognition and some timely, informed help. 心理咨询硕士(MAC)项目的学生希望与这些有风险的孩子一起工作,这对他们的临床培训有很大的帮助, thanks to a major new grant that
Oct 27, 2016

Travel abroad much more than an adventure

走出你的舒适区去国际旅行是有道理的. 对伯格学院的一名学生来说,出国留学的风险回报不仅仅是一次冒险. 当时大四学生尼克·约翰逊正准备去哥斯达黎加留学, he bought a one-way plane ticket. He was about to have a radically
Oct 19, 2016

HYPE speaker: Your choices can change lives

人权倡导者和畅销书作家约翰·普伦德加斯特一生都在追随自己的内心,为饱受战争蹂躏的非洲国家带来改变. 事实证明,当他谈到他对改善世界的承诺时,他也激励了澳门银河网站的学生. 学生们被普伦德加斯特所传达的信息所鼓舞,选择成为“奋起者”。
Oct 14, 2016

PALS speaker: Develop powerful goals

作为一名护士指挥官和高级行政人员,他从杰出的军事生涯中退休. Gen. Gale Pollock said she missed the energy, 她喜欢和年轻人在一起时的创造力和改变世界的欲望. 周四,她作为秋季主题发言人,有机会与这些人重新建立联系
Oct 13, 2016

The realities of Native American struggles

When Dr. Courtney DeMayo approached her history student, Alex Hampton, 在这个月的Lichtman-Behm种族灭绝系列讲座上做演讲, he jumped at the chance. The series alternates year to year, exploring the Holocaust or another example of genocide as its topic. This year’s topic – the genocide of Native American people –
Oct 3, 2016

Homecoming’s special moments

an engagement! Deidre McVay, ’14, thought the she and boyfriend Taylor Schulmeister, ’13, 上个周末的返校节,澳门银河网站要回学校庆祝Alpha Phi Tau成立95周年吗. 这对夫妇和澳门银河网站丹尼斯·洛·孔蒂(Dennis LoConti)共同牵头组织了这次活动. Turns out Taylor was keeping a little secret. On Saturday
Oct 3, 2016

Tiffin’s growth = great opportunities for students

Tiffin is home away from home for ‘Berg students for a short four years. More and more, 这座城市正在发展和改善,为大学生和居民提供了大量新的产品和机会, such as Chipotle and Tim Horton’s! 新到澳门银河网站的学生在参加“周围”活动时,第一次开始探索蒂芬市中心
Sep 26, 2016

School of Education nationally recognized!

Here’s why. What makes the Heidelberg School of Education awesome? 未来的老师萨拉(沃特)海因德尔和绫子汉普顿对此有一些非常强烈的意见. Sarah and Ayako, both seniors, 说这一切都是关于教师,以及他们如何推动学生在他们的课程、实地观察和学生中成为最好的自己
Sep 20, 2016

Wish come true for scholarship donors

When alumni Jim and Shay (Harter) Reese created a major scholarship, their greatest hope was to stay connected with students. 周六,当他们被介绍给“伯格高中”汉娜·比林斯基时,他们实现了自己的愿望. 汉娜是纪念瑞秋·A的吉姆和谢伊·哈特·里斯奖学金的获得者. Reese. The pairing met at the first
Sep 19, 2016

First HYPE Day out of this world!

从推特和转发来看,周四的第一个官方炒作日非常受欢迎! 澳门银河网站喜欢《澳门银河网站》记者和伯格澳门银河网站吉米·弗林特今天头版的头条:“休斯顿, Heidelberg University students have inspiration.” The “Houston” reference came from NASA legend Capt. James Lovell, who was on campus to give the
Sep 12, 2016

What a way to launch HYPE!

On Sunday, Aug. 28, 近400名学生登上8辆巴士,前往俄亥俄州东南部的霍金山,参加首届HYPE一年级共同体验活动. Judging by student reaction and feedback, the trip was a great bonding experience, a way to begin to learn about ‘Berg traditions and it was a ton of fun! “The Amazing Race at the
Sep 8, 2016

Local Patriot Day Salute has something for all

This is big weekend for the Tiffin community. 周日,社区聚集在一起,首次举行爱国者日敬礼,纪念9/11恐怖袭击15周年, students will give the events a strong Heidelberg flavor. 伯格学院的学生将在一天的活动中作为表演者和志愿者参与其中
Aug 26, 2016

Young alum, now Tiffin mayor inspires new students: ‘Dream big’

Just 12 short years ago, Aaron Montz sat in the audience at Opening Convocation, a new student full of really big dreams. On Thursday, 2008年,蒙茨以蒂芬市市长的身份回到校园(他经常回来),在毕业典礼上发表演讲. At age 30, he’s in his second term, having won re-election with an 85 percent margin of victory last fall
Aug 19, 2016

Why I Am Proud To Be A Student Prince

What makes me love and call Heidelberg my home. 自从我踏上澳门银河网站,我就知道这是适合我的校园. The air was filled with a strong sense of pride and integrity. I knew that this was a place that I could eventually call home, my Heidelberg Home. This is a place where I have made a family for myself, and it is
Jul 11, 2016

School of Business young alumna charging forward

Less than a year after she received her ‘Berg bachelor’s degree, 维多利亚·安伯吉(Victoria amburgy)完成了第二个学位:她在州立鲍灵格林大学(Bowling Green State University)的会计硕士学位. 她是2015年Berg-Falcon会计硕士奖学金项目的获得者. Less than a year after she received her ‘Berg bachelor’s degree, 维多利亚·安伯吉(Victoria amburgy)完成了第二个学位:她在州立鲍灵格林大学(Bowling Green State University)的会计硕士学位. 她是2015年Berg-Falcon会计硕士奖学金项目的获得者. - See more at: Less than a year after she received her ‘Berg bachelor’s degree, 维多利亚·安伯吉(Victoria amburgy)完成了第二个学位:她在州立鲍灵格林大学(Bowling Green State University)的会计硕士学位. 她是2015年Berg-Falcon会计硕士奖学金项目的获得者. - See more at:
Jul 10, 2016

Q&A with Jon Waters

Welcome to Heidelberg! What are you most excited about? I am most excited about becoming a part of the Heidelberg family! I can’t wait to engage our students in musical endeavors, 我迫不及待地想在校园和整个社区建立一个优秀的传统. What is your vision for this fall? My vision for the fall is to engage as many
Jul 10, 2016

Countdown to Commencement: Melissa Tippin

Melissa Tippin captivated her voice professor, Dr. Carol Dusdieker, from day one. For the past four years, the bond between professor and student has deepened. 她在大一的第一周就俘获了我的心,当时她参加了《澳门银河网站》的试镜,” Carol says. “Her energy is absolutely contagious. For Melissa, who is from Bryan, Ohio
Jul 10, 2016

Countdown to Commencement: Kyle Fluharty

Kyle Fluharty came to Heidelberg for two reasons: baseball and science. During his four years at Heidelberg he excelled at both, 他发现他的激情和追求共同决定了他的未来. Baseball was initially how I found Heidelberg,” Kyle said. “Then I discovered the cadaver lab. Ever since I got here I looked
Jul 10, 2016

Countdown to Commencement: Ben Sniezek

今年夏天将是17年来本·斯尼泽克第一次不打棒球. 他仍然是他所热爱的比赛的一部分,只是以一种不同的——希望是更大的——方式. After graduation, Ben is headed for an internship with Baseball Info Solutions, a company that subcontracts with Major League Baseball, providing valuable analytics that